Val Malenco 2 - Mount Disgrazia - SO/Italy
M60 (159883 byte) - Mount Disgrazia M102 (269447 byte) - Gerli hut M109 (288608 byte) - The first snow of the winter climbing to Alpe Ventina
M110 (191560 byte) - The first snow of the winter climbing to Alpe Ventina M152 (278096 byte) - Mount Valbona (3033mt) M153 (199680 byte) - The North face and the glacier of Mount Disgrazia (3678mt) seen from Del Grande Camerini Hut (2580mt)
M154 (295784 byte) - Alpe Vezzeda M155 (237183 byte) -  Panorama at Alpe Vezzeda M305 (217908 byte) - Mount Disgrazia reflected in Zana Lake (2280mt)

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